
Chapter One :Chapter 1

In the male dormitory of Huaxia Medical University, in front of a large mirror, Yang Hongyu was holding an old-fashioned electric razor, shaving his beard with a serious face. After he finished shaving, he picked up a white shirt from the bed and put it on. The shirt fit him perfectly, adding a touch of handsomeness to his appearance.

With a shirt, trousers, and leather shoes, Yang Hongyu looked more mature and attractive.

Clap! Clap!

Yang Hongyu clapped his hands, attracting the attention of the other people in the dormitory. Apart from him, there were three other people in the room. One was lying on the bed reading a webnovel, and the other two were bare-chested, engrossed in online games.

"Gentlemen, I'm running low on arsenal, I need some aid!"

"Holy crap! Besides interning at the hospital, Third Bro, you also work five or six part-time jobs every month, earning over ten thousand a month, and you still have the face to borrow money from us?"

"Where on earth have you spent your money these past two months? I've seen you nibbling on steamed buns all the time."

"I guess you've been splurging on that gold digger, Wu Mei. It's not that I want to butt in, but she's too materialistic. You two aren't suitable at all. Even if you had mountains of gold and silver, they would eventually be emptied by her. Then you will lose both your money and yourself."

The eldest of the dormitory, Yue Yongbing, spoke solemnly.

As the oldest member in the dorm, Yue Yongbing ranked first. Besides his seniority, his maturity and dependability also made him very caring towards the others in the dorm.

The second oldest, Wu Youlin, nicknamed Frog, was the handsomest and the most flirtatious in the dorm. His life motto was to seduce others' girls so that they had no girls to court. He often got himself into trouble for flirting and was often chased around by rivals.

Yang Hongyu ranked third in the dorm. He didn't have Yue's steadiness, nor Wu's charm. He was not artsy like the fourth, Dai Bin, but was the most well-rounded in the dormitory. He seemed to know a bit of everything but wasn't proficient in anything.

The only thing Yang Hongyu was proficient in was making money. When his dorm mates were still spending their parents' money, he had already started working part-time. Particularly after getting together with Wu Mei, his dedication to working part-time became somewhat fanatical. Every day, he had to juggle five or six jobs.

He rose earlier than the chickens and slept later than the dogs!

Upon mentioning Wu Mei, his eyes softened. Hearing his pals badmouth Wu Mei, he was quick to defend her: "Although Xiao Mei is a bit materialistic, she's not what you guys describe."

Seeing his infatuated appearance, the other three in the dorm room couldn't help but shake their heads. Love was like a poison, causing one to sink into its depths. In front of love, Yang Hongyu completely lost his usual rationale and intelligence.

Though they deemed the materialistic Wu Mei unworthy of their brother, they had voiced their opinions, yet Yang Hongyu's feelings for Wu Mei still ran deep, leaving them helpless.

"I have five hundred left, I'll keep fifty for living expenses, the rest is for you."

"I have eight hundred!"

"Bro, honestly I'm broke, last time I bought a suit it was my girlfriend who paid."

Seeing Wu Youlin's apologetic look, Yang Hongyu smiled and said, "It's okay, actually I only need a thousand."

Yang HongYu returned the extra two hundred and fifty to Yue Yongbing and Dai Bin, then waved at them and said, "Guys, next time I'll bring Wu Mei here to treat you to wedding candies."

After saying this, he didn't even wait for his dormmates to answer, and he ran out of the room.

Once he left the dorm, Yang Hongyu jogged out of the school gate and headed towards the city center. Their school was about three kilometers from the city centre. To save money, Yang Hongyu didn't take a taxi or a bus, but walked towards the city center.

He walked briskly, and after just over forty minutes, he arrived in front of a specialty store.

He wiped the sweat off his brow and walked in. The shop was very delicately decorated. Yang Hongyu crept around on the shining floor, afraid that his shoes would dirty it.

"Welcome sir, how may I assist you?"

The shop assistant didn't look down on him for his shabby appearance, while not exactly enthusiastic, she was courteous and standard.

"I want that bag!" Yang Hongyu pointed to a pink shoulder bag on the counter.

"Sir, you really are..."

"Swipe the card, password is six eights!"

The waiter's words got caught in his throat in surprise, but he quickly came to his senses. Although Yang Hongyu doesn't look like a rich man, he is definitely the most straightforward customer, straight to the point with no needless words.

Yang Hongyu had previously visited the Chanel store with Wu Mei. She had liked it very much then, but he couldn't afford to buy anything. For the past two months, he has been doing five to six part-time jobs daily, all to surprise Wu Mei with a gift on her birthday.

"Sir, the total is sixteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, here are your receipt and bag."

Upon leaving the Chanel store, Yang Hongyu hugged the Chanel bag as if it was his lover.

"It's almost six o'clock, time to wait for Little Mei at Wilson's restaurant."

Wilson's Restaurant is a high-end Western restaurant not far from his current location. Within ten minutes, he arrived at the restaurant. The waiter led him to the seat he had reserved in advance. Hiding his gift, Yang Hongyu prepared to surprise Wu Mei for her birthday.

Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!

Time seems to drone on like an incessant old man when you're waiting. After waiting for about twenty minutes, Yang Hongyu suddenly stood up.

The entrance door opened, and in walked a woman adorned with auburn waves and featuring distinctively arched eyebrows, her eyes full of charm, and fiery red lips that were irresistibly alluring.

She was wearing a trendy white blouse tucked into white straight-leg trousers. A delicate LV belt two fingers wide accentuated her tiny waist, her elongated legs were more noticeable.


The arrival was none other than his crush, Wu Mei.

Just as Yang Hongyu was about to greet her, he saw a man the entrance. Most shockingly, the man put his arm around Wu Mei's waist.

Wu Mei didn't resist. Instead, she leaned on the man and walked in the direction where Yang Hongyu was sitting.

"Xiao Mei, you... you're here." Yang Hongyu tried hard to squeeze out a smile.

"Xiao Mei, is this person your boyfriend?"

"Darling, it would be more accurate to say ex-boyfriend, actually, a boyfriend in name only, as we never really had anything going on." Wu Mei cooed sweetly.

"Xiao Mei, who is he?"

"Yang Hongyu, I barely know you. Please don't address me so intimately in future. I am worried that my boyfriend will misunderstand." The same Wu Mei who was just cooing sweetly, suddenly switched to a stern tone.

"The reason I came today is to tell you that we are breaking up. Don't pester me or contact me in future."

Yang Hongyu's face turned pale, he found it difficult to accept this reality. In his emotional state, he grabbed Wu Mei's hand, "Wu Mei, please don't leave me, I truly love you."

"Don't talk to me about love. How much does it cost per pound?"

Wu Mei's words were like a knife stabbing into Yang Hongyu's heart, "Is money really that important to you?"

"If not for the fact that you often gave me gifts, do you think I would have given you the time of day?"

"You should stay with me even more in that case. I can take up a few more part-time jobs, earn more money, and buy you lots and lots of things. Look, I bought the bag you like."

Yang Hongyu took out the newly-bought Chanel bag, hoping it would soften Wu Mei's heart. Wu Mei gave it a disdainful glance, "Humph, just an outdated Chanel bag. You're a man without ambition, if I am with you, I would only get to use these old-fashioned bags for the rest of my life. But it's different with Ah Yan, whatever I want, he buys it for me. Look, this is the new summer Chanel bag from Ah Yan, its price easily covers ten of your cheap bags."

Only then did Yang Hongyu notice the pink Chanel Side bag on Wu Mei's shoulder. Regardless of color or design, it was far superior than the classic Chanel bag he had bought.

His gaze then falls on the man standing next to her. This man with an acne-covered face, lower in height than Wu Mei, with small eyes half closed as if he was asleep.

As Wu Youlin said, the standard of attractiveness among the Chinese is brought down by such people.

Of course, this man did have an impressive aspect about him, notably the numerous logos he was donned in. He carried a Louis Vuitton handbag, wore a Patek Philippe watch, and his outfit was the latest Versace summer suit.

He was the epitome of luxury. The only thing missing was a sign on his face saying, "I am a Tycoon".

In front of such wealth, Yang Hongyu was helplessly defeated.

"Darling, I've explained everything to him. Let's go."

"Hold on, we're all acquaintances, why not sit and have a drink." The man patted Yang Hongyu on the shoulder, wearing a sleazy smile. "Don't worry. I'll take good care of your girlfriend. I've already booked a room, ready for us to...you know," he laughed wickedly.

The man dug out something resembling an eye from his pocket, placing it in Yang Hongyu's hand saying, "This is a Ghost Eye I bought from an antique market. You need a pair of bright eyes to see the world clearly."

Aggressively, Yang Hongyu crushed the Ghost Eye; debris punctured his palm, and blood began to flow, but he bore it stoically.

"Your wealth is just like this Ghost Eye: shiny on the outside but crumbles at a touch.”

“I indeed crumple in front of people wealthier than me, but in front of a poor devil like you, I am the clear winner!” Cold Flame looked condescendingly at Yang Hongyu, his triumphant posture was unmistakable.

"I am going to taste the fruits of my victory now. Maybe once I'm done enjoying, I might even give her back to you."

With that Cold Flame started laughing boisterously, put his arm around Wu Mei's waist and turned towards the restaurant exit.

Yang Hongyu wanted to chase after them, but suddenly his eyes began to burn. A wave of pain followed, each worse than the previous one. In his agony, Yang Hongyu did not notice the shattered Ghost Eye debris in his palm slowly sinking into his flesh.

Once the Ghost Eye disappeared, Yang Hongyu, having gone through an ordeal of excruciating pain, fainted.

In his daze, it felt like he had entered another world...

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